Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jesus is watching you!

This weekend has been quiet and relaxing, (so much I even got to change my blog template!) a real contrast to last weekend which had Beth out starting her new deli job, friends over for breakfast, friends dropping in and Megan having her friend Ffion staying over.

Megan & Joff have just got in from their youth club. Tonight they went on a 'night walk' stopping off at pre-arranged homes for hot chocolate and soup etc. I am really thankful to the people that put such effort and care into my children's lives. It's normally me doing all the youth stuff for other people's children so it is so nice to be on the receiving end.

This morning in church we heard a story of a thief who broke into a home, shining his torch on a laptop he heard a voice: "Jesus is watching you!" he froze, his torch went off and listened in the darkness.... Questioning his imagination and promising himself a nice long holiday, he returned to putting valuables in his bag. "Jesus is watching you!" came the voice again, he span round shining his torch looking for the source of the voice, he saw a parrot. "Was that you?" he asked with no response. He noticed the name tag on the parrot's cage said 'Moses' and asked "What kinda weird family names their parrot Moses!" to which the parrot answered "the kind that calls their guard dog Jesus!"

Friday, January 26, 2007

Burn's Night celebration:

Well we had a fabulous evening of feasting, singing, toasting & rhyme. We ate traditional haggis 'neeps & tatties (lamb, lamb's offal & spices boiled in sheep's intestine - although I think they just use plastic these days!) and rich fruit pudding & cream. Megan played auld lang syne etc on her flute, Beth sang 'My Love is like a red red rose' between episodes of laughter, I tried singing too which scarred the cats and as you can see above, Angus MacNidge came and did the traditional Selkirk toast in a pathetic accent that kept drifting into Irish! Then the lads toasted the lassies and the lassies toasted the lads. (Toasts were with a nice red wine rather than the traditional malt whiskey!) It was a really fun family evening. Beth loved it too, the expression below is just because she hates it when I point a camera at her, but I have to... she's just so gorgeous!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Journey home

So often we take for granted the beauty around us. So , as I came home a little early today, I stopped to take a couple of photographs. There both taken on the lane from Kerry to Dolfor. I often stop here to breath and pray on my way to or from work.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just waiting for the plumber!!!!

We have a plumber coming today. I say that with hopeful enthusaism as we have been expecting him since August, but a conversation this week ended with "I'll see you Wednesday morning!" so the fact it's Wednesday afternoon is not a great sign! There's a very laid back approach in this area....our six month old leaking pipe pales into insignificance to the neighbours sixteen year wait for a re-dig of her well for instance. The leaks we have in the conservatory roof aren't that bad as it was only supposed to last ten years so the fact it leaks after fifteen is impressive and not to be moaned at. There's a logic here that a person only really grows into after a decade or so apparently. We've only three years to go!!

This is not however the reason that I'm blogging. I would like to say that Nidge's drive to get up in the morning is still going well and should be praised! I on the other hand am "A sleepy head"

Monday, January 22, 2007

1st day - I'm up, smiling, had breakfast and spending time with God.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Are you an early riser?

Most of my life I've struggled to get up before I have to... usually I stay up late and don't get up till nearly 8 on work days! I've been reading various theories on sleep patterns, controlling sleeping time and positive things to do in the morning and I've come to the point where this has become the number one positive new habit I need to form. So I'm committing myself to a 30 day trial of getting up at 6:30 every morning! I even hate the sound of it. I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Is it Spring???

It's been pretty windy here today. I don't think we got hit the same way as the folkies in Manchester but its still made for an interesting day. It's also been very mild, the snowdrops are peeking up and the arnica is already in full bloom. (those are flowers for those non gardening people). In some ways, it feels really positive....I even got the urge to spring clean the attic junk room and sort the kids ever messy wardrobes but the reality is, it's still winter.

Even our ducks and chickens have been fooled, usually in January I'd open their little doors in the morning,throw out some food and they'd rush out, eat and hurry back in for shelter. Well this morning they flew outta there so fast I got wacked in the head by one of them.

In Wales (or round here at least)when someone owns up to something or later confesses their part in a joke someone will say laughingly "Now we see the chicken's bottom!" Until this morning I'd always thought they were questioning someones bravery, but then a large gust of wind blew apart some feathers and I saw for the first time a chicken's bare bum. Ferdy our Rooster got quite excited, tried to show his enthusiasm for the girlies but got blown up the drive straight into a group of ducks that were also trying to get a bit jiggy with it (which usually doesn't start to end of February). In fact I'm not sure it was a good day to be a bird.

Anyway no permanent damage trees down, no slates of roof, all electric working. Still just waiting for snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Beth & I found a fun site that trawls through millions of blogs, including YOURS! and records feelings and then lets you explore!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Laughing & Swinging

It's been a lovely sunny day for mid-January. The kids even got to enjoy their favourite swing beside our firepit area. (Joff & I made it from a couple of old rotten pew ends last Autumn.) Up there is my attempt to be artistic but Beth wants to put this one on so we've put both on!
Inspired by Kelly I've redesigned this template with a photo I took of our home last winter as a background... it works for me for a while!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Target practice stress test

If only I had a water pistol instead of a camera... this would have been great target practice. Actually the 3 of them are washing clothes in the jacuzzi because the washing machine's out pipe is blocked so we have a flooded laundry room and we're awaiting the plumber.

Beth & I have been talking and we made some commitments today around saving money. Decisions like this are always difficult to follow through on but we've also focussed on developing our dreams and understanding of our destiny. It's a lot easier to make sacrifices if you know where you're going. We're hoping that this will reduce stress... if you think you might be stressed try this easy test!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Stormy & Ruthless

We had storms & flooding in mid-wales today, it left huge areas without electric including County Hall where I work, so I've had a great extra day at home, we went out in the wind, then, this afternoon after lesson were done, we started Monopoly. For hours it ebbed & flowed with everyone being kind and paying debts if someone couldn't afford it or doing very 'generous'deals to help them out. Eventually as time dissapeared I became ruthless and it was horrible to foreclose on debt and 'bankrupt each of my children. I think they were genuinely offended that their own Father could be so cruel. They're now in bed and I'm left feeling ruthless!

Monday, January 08, 2007


The tagging questions have provoked a frenzy in wet and woolly Wales. Nigel is going to post his here soon, I've posted mine on my other blogg and the kids are still trying to narrow theirs down from their 100 favourite movies to just five! We'll keep you posted!
Yesterday instead of going to Wrexham we went to Mandy & Will's Church in Brockton. It's a tiny church but 'packed' with power & Life!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just because I was feeling left out

Everyone else has a one hundred list so this is mine!
1. I love being a mum
2. I love being Nigel's wife.
3. I haven't always found being numbers 1 or 2 very easy.
4. I'm finding being in my 30's loads easier than being in my 20's.
5. I dislike being misunderstood.....
6. I'm misunderstood a lot!!!!!!!
7. I think it has something to do with being Northern Irish...(you can't claim to be Irish or English as neither country really wants you, or want to let you go)
8. I was christened Elizabeth Alison
9. My Nanna called me Beth
10. My parents called me Alison.
11. My brother and cousins called me Ally
12. My granddad used to call me Beth, then change his mind and call me Ally, and finally he gave up and combined them all and called me Bally!
13 Bally became a nick- name that stuck!
14. I answer to all of the above.
15. I think the "name thing" was the beginning of my feeling misunderstood.
16. My Grandad Hawthorne was my hero for all of my childhood
17. He lived on a farm in Ireland.
18. He was quiet, gentle yet fair.
19. I was his first grandchild.
20. When I left Ireland at seventeen, we walked round the farm together without speaking then he gave me a hug and pressed £20 into my hand.
21. That was the last time I saw him before he died.
22. I still miss him.
23. I used to sleep beside the fire, with my head under his chair at the farm.
24. I still love log fires.
25. I love stormy nights.
26. I love rain and high winds.
27. My favourite job ever was working as a wind-turbine monitor.
28. I got to hang out in a factory from 10pm-8am BY MYSELF WITH JUDDER
29. I got to climb wind turbines.
30. I got to drive around fields in a white van listening to music!
31, I was actually paid for 28,29 and 30.
32. I left because the company changed hands and everything changed.
33. I don’t like change unless it really is for the better.
34. I think it stems back to the being misunderstood thing.
35. I am learning to deal with being misunderstood. (honestly)
36 My favourite poets are Yates, Heaney and Plath.
37. I don’t have a great memory for facts and trivia!
38. I can’t quote musical artists or song titles.
39. I don’t pay much attention to trends.
40. I wouldn’t be a good person to have on your team in a pub quiz.
41. I love singing.
42. I would be a good person to have on your team in a pub singing contest!
43. Although its important to realize I’m not X factor winner standard!!
44. I like spending time with family and friends.
45. I like people.
46. I also spend a lot of time alone.
47. I like spending time alone.
48. When I’m alone I take time to read and pray.
49. I thrive of those times.
50. I have a strong faith in God and for along time I hid it.
51. Now He’s real in my life and I love the way He speaks to me.
52. That’s an incredibly personal part of my life that I usually don’t talk about.
53. Many Christians would criticize that as being a lack of witnessing.
54. I’m not a great fan of many Christians.
55. I would rather people ‘see’ how God has blessed and impacted my life than tell them.
56. I get frustrated when things don’t happen quick enough.
57. I would like to travel round America and Australia and New Zealand and Europe!
58. If I was to live anywhere else it would be Scotland or Canada.
59. I have always wanted to go to Venice and Alaska.
60. I have always wanted to try skiing.
61. I drink coffee not tea!
62. I like coffee shops especially in the city.
63. I like watching people.
64. I like plain filtered coffee.
65. I don’t want vanilla or hazelnut or triple whatever…..just coffee
66. I hate that the person behind the counter always tries to persuade me to add something to my coffee.
67. I hate that the people I’m with always (encouragingly and lovingly) try to persuade me to add something to my coffee.
68. I hate that most of the time I give in and add something to my coffee!!!!!!
69. Or I separate and order quietly……….
70. Or I avoid the coffee problem all together and go for a hot chocolate!
71. I am disappointingly un-Irish looking.
72. I have always wanted to be dark haired and blue eyed.
73. Nigel has the most amazing blue eyes that shift colour with his moods..
74. When he is in a good mood they darken and still.
75. He is very Irish looking
76. I have always wanted to play the violin.
77. Nigel bought me one but I haven’t even tried.
78. I am not sure why.
79. My favorite season is Autumn
80. There is something outstandingly beautiful in the sound of the wind and the colours.
81. It always make me disappointed that I cannot draw or paint.
82. I love to write.
83. I find it frustrating when I fail to write as I see.
84. I am incredibly over sensitive about my writing and bug Nigel greatly.
85. I dream in word and pictures, sometimes there are only words but never only pictures.
86. Now seems like an incredibly stupid time to share that.
87. This will seem like a contradiction to no.55 but words can reconcile man to God.
88. They have to be the right words, written in the right way.
89. I am not sure if I am up to the task.
90. I know God is!
91. Some day I would like to build a house with Nigel.
92. I have a BA in Humanities and Literature
93. I have a post graduate qualification in English Language.
94. Sometime I’d like to do my Masters
95. I have no idea why other than it’s a goal.
96. I have sudden bursts of productivity but am not completely driven.
97. I find it difficult when I am not productive.
98. I love getting up early but struggle to.
99. I love exercise like jogging but struggle to get motivated.
100. If I could buy anything at all it would be two acres of woodland right by a lake with planning permission to build!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Judder has been in vet hospital for 3 days and finally we came to the end of what we could do, so earlier this afternoon.... Beth went down and held him whilst he died. Beth then brought Judder home and after lots of crying and goodbyes we burried him between the duck pond and the big fir tree.
I will forever miss his floppy ears.
The children are really upset but they'll put a tribute poem / montage on their blog.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sad Day

There were lots of things that we were hoping to do before Nigel went back to work; one of them was to pop back up to Manchester and say "BYE BYE ANDY" Big hugs from all here in Wales...and Hally is claiming a re-match on monopoly!! We hope you have a good flight back!

Andy going however is not the reason for the sad day. Judder our dog is ill! Judder our dog is so ill that he is spending the night in vet hospital with a beautiful young vet called Chrisy at his side. We will keep you posted but at the minute it doesn't look good for him.........or our bank account!
Beth x

Monday, January 01, 2007


Being Sunday we went to church this morning…. It looks old from the outside but it’s lovely and cosy & modern inside.

Well that was 2006.... what an amazingly good year!
It's been a really 'grey' day here. Just some photos to prove this isn't always a beautiful place to live! (Unless you're a duck!)

We spent the evening watching films and had mince pies & cream, pop, chocolates, sweets & popcorn. Lots of sugar and caffeine helped us all stay up till midnight.
We talked about all the things that have happened in 2006 and talked about our hopes and plans for 2007 but definitely NO New Year's resolutions.
At last the moment arrived and we celebrated, watched Big Ben strike midnight in London and around the world with all the fireworks before falling straight to sleep and now Beth & I are going to join them.
Five things that happened in 2006 ....(happy :o) and sad :o( !)
1. We got married again!
2. Beth's dad died!
3. Hally went on her first plane!
4. We visited Ireland three times and saw family!
5. We made lots of new friends and God blessed us greatly!
May we wish you all a really blessed & happy New Year!