Sunday, January 21, 2007

Are you an early riser?

Most of my life I've struggled to get up before I have to... usually I stay up late and don't get up till nearly 8 on work days! I've been reading various theories on sleep patterns, controlling sleeping time and positive things to do in the morning and I've come to the point where this has become the number one positive new habit I need to form. So I'm committing myself to a 30 day trial of getting up at 6:30 every morning! I even hate the sound of it. I will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

K said...

Good for you. I have had insomnia for 7.5 years. Even the nights where I get some decent sleep (like 5-6 hrs) I dont fall asleep until well after 1:00. I have never been able to just get sleepy!! Good luck on your commitment!