Saturday, April 07, 2007


We popped into town to get some clothes so we can all look gorgeous this Spring!
I took a camera with me and I've never realised how lovely it is, I've always thought of it as a bit grotty! It does have some lovely tudor buildings and little cobbled streets.
It also has some ugly 70's concrete buildings but I didn't snap them.
CLICK IMAGES TO ENLARGEIt has cute cafe areas like this and yes, ... this is MacDonalds and the building is 400 odd years old.
Tomorrow we're off up to Manchester to see my parents, Adam & family and the adorable couple who are.... Andy & Amie.

1 comment:

K said...

I love the Tudor. Summerland is all Tudor style (mostly). Aliah did a study once on Shakespeare and that is when we fell in love with ye Olde England! ha, Can;t wait to come for a visit.