Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just because I was feeling left out

Everyone else has a one hundred list so this is mine!
1. I love being a mum
2. I love being Nigel's wife.
3. I haven't always found being numbers 1 or 2 very easy.
4. I'm finding being in my 30's loads easier than being in my 20's.
5. I dislike being misunderstood.....
6. I'm misunderstood a lot!!!!!!!
7. I think it has something to do with being Northern Irish...(you can't claim to be Irish or English as neither country really wants you, or want to let you go)
8. I was christened Elizabeth Alison
9. My Nanna called me Beth
10. My parents called me Alison.
11. My brother and cousins called me Ally
12. My granddad used to call me Beth, then change his mind and call me Ally, and finally he gave up and combined them all and called me Bally!
13 Bally became a nick- name that stuck!
14. I answer to all of the above.
15. I think the "name thing" was the beginning of my feeling misunderstood.
16. My Grandad Hawthorne was my hero for all of my childhood
17. He lived on a farm in Ireland.
18. He was quiet, gentle yet fair.
19. I was his first grandchild.
20. When I left Ireland at seventeen, we walked round the farm together without speaking then he gave me a hug and pressed £20 into my hand.
21. That was the last time I saw him before he died.
22. I still miss him.
23. I used to sleep beside the fire, with my head under his chair at the farm.
24. I still love log fires.
25. I love stormy nights.
26. I love rain and high winds.
27. My favourite job ever was working as a wind-turbine monitor.
28. I got to hang out in a factory from 10pm-8am BY MYSELF WITH JUDDER
29. I got to climb wind turbines.
30. I got to drive around fields in a white van listening to music!
31, I was actually paid for 28,29 and 30.
32. I left because the company changed hands and everything changed.
33. I don’t like change unless it really is for the better.
34. I think it stems back to the being misunderstood thing.
35. I am learning to deal with being misunderstood. (honestly)
36 My favourite poets are Yates, Heaney and Plath.
37. I don’t have a great memory for facts and trivia!
38. I can’t quote musical artists or song titles.
39. I don’t pay much attention to trends.
40. I wouldn’t be a good person to have on your team in a pub quiz.
41. I love singing.
42. I would be a good person to have on your team in a pub singing contest!
43. Although its important to realize I’m not X factor winner standard!!
44. I like spending time with family and friends.
45. I like people.
46. I also spend a lot of time alone.
47. I like spending time alone.
48. When I’m alone I take time to read and pray.
49. I thrive of those times.
50. I have a strong faith in God and for along time I hid it.
51. Now He’s real in my life and I love the way He speaks to me.
52. That’s an incredibly personal part of my life that I usually don’t talk about.
53. Many Christians would criticize that as being a lack of witnessing.
54. I’m not a great fan of many Christians.
55. I would rather people ‘see’ how God has blessed and impacted my life than tell them.
56. I get frustrated when things don’t happen quick enough.
57. I would like to travel round America and Australia and New Zealand and Europe!
58. If I was to live anywhere else it would be Scotland or Canada.
59. I have always wanted to go to Venice and Alaska.
60. I have always wanted to try skiing.
61. I drink coffee not tea!
62. I like coffee shops especially in the city.
63. I like watching people.
64. I like plain filtered coffee.
65. I don’t want vanilla or hazelnut or triple whatever…..just coffee
66. I hate that the person behind the counter always tries to persuade me to add something to my coffee.
67. I hate that the people I’m with always (encouragingly and lovingly) try to persuade me to add something to my coffee.
68. I hate that most of the time I give in and add something to my coffee!!!!!!
69. Or I separate and order quietly……….
70. Or I avoid the coffee problem all together and go for a hot chocolate!
71. I am disappointingly un-Irish looking.
72. I have always wanted to be dark haired and blue eyed.
73. Nigel has the most amazing blue eyes that shift colour with his moods..
74. When he is in a good mood they darken and still.
75. He is very Irish looking
76. I have always wanted to play the violin.
77. Nigel bought me one but I haven’t even tried.
78. I am not sure why.
79. My favorite season is Autumn
80. There is something outstandingly beautiful in the sound of the wind and the colours.
81. It always make me disappointed that I cannot draw or paint.
82. I love to write.
83. I find it frustrating when I fail to write as I see.
84. I am incredibly over sensitive about my writing and bug Nigel greatly.
85. I dream in word and pictures, sometimes there are only words but never only pictures.
86. Now seems like an incredibly stupid time to share that.
87. This will seem like a contradiction to no.55 but words can reconcile man to God.
88. They have to be the right words, written in the right way.
89. I am not sure if I am up to the task.
90. I know God is!
91. Some day I would like to build a house with Nigel.
92. I have a BA in Humanities and Literature
93. I have a post graduate qualification in English Language.
94. Sometime I’d like to do my Masters
95. I have no idea why other than it’s a goal.
96. I have sudden bursts of productivity but am not completely driven.
97. I find it difficult when I am not productive.
98. I love getting up early but struggle to.
99. I love exercise like jogging but struggle to get motivated.
100. If I could buy anything at all it would be two acres of woodland right by a lake with planning permission to build!


K said...

I loved reading your list.

We seem to have alot in common- the irish part (although im not from Ireland- my mom and family is from Greystones, Co Wicklow)I think I may look irish with the dark hair and light eyes, but always wanted the opposite- I like being alone, but some people see that as a negative.

Ed and I have always planned on building a home (either cob or straw bale) on some land.

Anyways, it was neat hearing about you.

Poetsch Family said...

Great list. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It is so nice to try and get to know Amie's family. It is just so hard since we are here in Canada and you guys are there in England. Happy New year to you and your family. I will be adding your blog to my favourites.
Take care.

artfulstampin said...

Wow, what a moving and thought provoking list. I regret not spending more time with you Beth, lets hope that can change!